Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Social Media and Job Search

Everywhere you look online there is some sort of social media. From FaceBook to LinkedIn to YouTube, everywhere you search you see examples of the latest online craze that is social media. While utilizing social media and social networking sites are a great way to connect with people and that have like interests, it can also be a great way to go about finding yourself a new job.

Social media offers a variety of ways that have never before been available to help people just like you who are looking for a job; you simply have to use your imagination to do so. Here are some ways to use social media to find a job:

• Create a video resume: You can create a video resume of yourself and upload it to social media sites such as YouTube. This can be a great way to have hundreds of people view it and really it only takes the one right person to see it in order to have you finding yourself with a job offer.

• Use LinkedIn: LinkedIn is really gaining momentum and recruiters love the site because it is free to use and seems to be filled with all the best and brightest that the job market has to offer. To fully take advantage of LinkedIn be sure that you complete the profile section 100 percent.

• Twitter your way to a new job:
If you have a Twitter account you can follow job recruiters and by utilizing the ‘@’ symbol you can directly communicate with them. This will allow you to stay up to date with all possible job openings that may be coming about. In order to follow anyone on Twitter you have to have a completed profile, so be sure that you take the time to do so.

• Network with FaceBook: FaceBook is not any a great place to recommend with past friends and school mates, it is also a great way to network yourself. Post a resume on your wall inside of FaceBook and then send a message to everyone in your friend’s list letting them know that you are looking for a job. You never know who knows who and if the right person sees your resume you could be hooked up with the job of your dreams in no time at all.

• Find job opening blogs: Just as there are a number of blogs that you can subscribe to that will keep you up to date with your favorite NFL team, there are also job blogs that will keep you up to date on job openings in your area. Use these blogs to their fullest potential and always be on the lookout for more job opening blogs to subscribe too.

While finding a job is not easy these days, you can increase your odds by using different avenues of social media. With the advent of the Internet, the job hunting game has changed and there are now, more than ever, many ways to utilize cyberspace in order to find the job of your dreams.

Visit, which provides job search tips, interview advice, and resume service reviews.

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