Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Three Growing Career Fields to Get Into Now

It seems that each and every decade the career fields tide sway and this decade is sure to be no different. Some career fields are expanding faster than others and one of the main reasons is the way that the world is headed as a whole.

While your options for career fields are increasing by the year, there are three career fields in particular that you should be looking to get into now. These career fields will continue to expand as the job market is in hot pursuit of people who can fill the needs of these three specific spaces. These hot career fields include:

• Software Engineering: Software is always being developed and is constantly evolving as the world is by large a technology happy place. Even though there may not always be a need for the technology that the world has now, a safe wager is that new technology will continue to be developed moving forward. Therefore, there will always be a need for those who can successfully create and work with the software that will be needed in order to drive that technology that exists today and the technology that will be developed tomorrow.

• Nursing: The medical industry as a whole is growing by leaps and bounds where the job market is concerned. This is mainly due to the fact that the population is extremely large and is aging as well. Nursing careers will continue to expand as a good nurse is on the front lines of virtually everything medical. Nurses can do a variety of jobs including admitting, taking vitals, administering medication, and much more. If there is something medical, you can bet there are nurses nearby.
• Law Enforcement: Thanks to a world that has been experiencing an increase in crime and shows such as CSI Miami and Law and Order, law enforcement is growing as a career field in a big way. Unfortunately for many, the world of crime has spilled over to the online community as well, but this is more good news for those who are seeking a career in law enforcement. The need for people to become ‘online police’ as well as ‘street police’ will continue to grow as the years go on and as long as there are criminals always trying to get one over on people, there will always be a need for quality law enforcement as a result.

Again, there are a number of career fields or you to choose from these days, but there are few that will continue to expand with the ferocity of these three. What is often overlooked when getting into a career is how much expansion that career path will have and how much need the world will have for it going forward. Technology, medical, and law enforcement are three fields that will not only be around in a strong way this year but they are also career fields that will stand the test of time and always offer opportunities for those who are qualified.

Get more career advice at JobGoRound.com.

Government Resume Writers

In order to be competitive in your pursuit of a Federal Government job your Government resume has to be perfect and if you lack the confidence and experience to write a top notch resume on your own you may want to consider using one of the numerous Government resume writers that are now abundantly available. Thanks in large part to the internet it is easier than ever to find these types of services and the help they provide could be the difference between landing your dream Government job or not. Although hiring a Government resume writer will mean that you have to come out of pocket and spend some money, if it lands you a Federal Government job then the money you spend on the resume will not seem like all that much.

Most Government jobs will require you to build your resume around the job announcement and doing this in the proper manner is a work of art in itself and is a task that is not easily accomplished. Government resume writers are those who have been working on the specific process that goes into crafting a good Government resume, some for many years. Because they are around Government works all the time, they will be abreast of all the changes that may be taking place and will be able to include or exclude something from your Government resume that you may have never even though of looking at.

It is extremely important that your Government resume be top notch because it is your resume that will effectively open up the door for your review and possible interview. There are also a number of items that will have to accompany your Government Resume such as your KSAs and this will all depend on the specific job in which you are applying for. Government resume writers will not only know how to tell if the job posting requires such additions, but they will also be able to help you create those items as well.

When you are trying to determine which Government resume writer you want to hire, don’t make the mistake of looking at the cost only. Prices will vary and so too will the skill level but a lower price will do you no good if your resume never gets a second glance. Make sure that the Government resume writer you are considering has a good reputation and has been around for a while.

The job market as a whole is a comparative place, but that competitiveness is greatly intensified when you venture into the Federal Government job market. These jobs are for the best of the best and in order to stand out from the crowd you have to have a top notch Government resume and all the extras that need to go along with it. You also need to be sure that everything is done according to Government preferences and in the correct format. While you may be able to figure this out on your own, why take the chance? To be sure you have the best opportunity possible simply do your homework, ask questions, and find the best Government resume writer you can.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Ways to Boost Your Resume Without Lying

With the job market as competitive as ever, it is very tempting to lie on your resume. However, this should never be considered an option. With so many qualified applicants, businesses are more likely do a more comprehensive background check. Fortunately, there are ways to boost your resume without lying. Remember, the goal of your resume is to get you an interview, not get you a job. With this in mind, there are simple solutions to solve even the biggest resume problems without lying.

1. Gaps in Employment

Large gaps in your employment history is one of the biggest potential turnoffs for a potential employer. Instead of lying and filling in gaps with experiences that you didn't have, justify the gaps that do exist. For example, one of the most common reasons for gaps in employment for women is that they took a few years off to take care of young children. Instead of saying that you took some time off for you kids, say that you took a break from the private sector to become more involved in the community. With kids, there is a large chance that you have done some volunteer work, so don't be afraid to use it to your advantage. Remember, everything that you do serves a purpose.

2. Education

Lying about your education has become a surprisingly common tactic. Unfortunately, schools have made it very easy for your employer to check you out. For example, lets say that you have completed 3 or 3+ years of college, but never graduated. Don't lie, instead tell employers why you didn't finish. For example, you took a full-time job that didn't allow you to finish your education. Additionally, always state you are currently pursuing to finish your degree online or through additional schooling.

3. Experience

While it may seem like a risk that you willing to take, if you lie about your previous experience it can get you in trouble. If you are asked to do XYZ, because you said that you could on your application, it will become obvious that you lied and you will likely get fired. The key is to focus on the highlights of your experience. If you were the lead server at a restaurant, you could say that you trained and managed a sales staff to ensure daily productivity. The importance is what you did, not where you did it.

4. Use Keywords

Make sure that you look through the job posting and company description and try to use the same keywords in your resume that you found in the ad. This will achieve two goals at once. First, it will get your resume past the scanners that many businesses are using to pre-qualify resumes. Second, your resume will look good to your potential employer because you have the exact skill set that they are looking for.

It is always tempting to lie on your resume, however it should be avoided at all costs. Businesses have more potential employees to choose from, which means more thorough background searches. Employ these 4 ways to boost your resume without lying.

Tip: read resume writing service reviews before choosing a resume writing service.