Friday, May 15, 2009

How to Write a Letter of Intent for Employment

The perfect resume has never been more necessary than it is now in this age of increased competition in the job search marketplace. More than ever you need to have an impressive resume topped with an equally impressive letter of intent or cover letter to catch the eye of the person who is hiring. Since this will be the first contact you have with a potential employer it is critical to make a good first impression. Having a great cover letter will get you the opportunity of a job interview and a real chance at getting the job you have applied for. Having a less than stellar cover letter means your resume will go straight into the reject pile.

Below are some of the top tips on writing the ideal letter of intent for employment.

1. Be sure to use a high quality paper that shows you mean business.
2. Write the letter in a business letter format, showing your professionalism.
3. Be sure to have names, titles, company name and address exactly right. If you make an error on these things, it makes a poor impression.
4. Start with a proper salutation to show respect.
5. In the body of your letter, be sure to include an introduction of yourself, relevant information such as your skills, education and pertinent job experience. Tell why you are a perfect fit for the job you are applying for. Provide your contact information so the individual does not have to rifle through your attached resume looking for it. Mention your availability and the ideal way to reach you.
6. Use a closing and sign your letter.
7. Be sure to proofread the letter for mistakes. Grammatical errors, spelling errors and other obvious flaws in a letter of intent leave a bad impression.
8. Keep the letter short and to the point. Those handling resumes will only take the time to read shorter letters.

You may also want to avoid the following errors when writing a letter of intent for employment.
1. Don’t include personal information.
2. Don’t talk about your weaknesses.
3. Don’t mention salary unless specifically told to do so.
4. Don’t mention why you left other jobs.
5. Don’t mention other companies you have worked for by name in the cover letter unless they are recognizable, significant and impressive.
6. Don’t use a one-size-fits-all approach. Customize your letter of intent for each employer you contact.
7. Don’t include too much information or too many details. Hit the highlights and leave them wanting to learn more.

A well written letter of intent for employment can make or break the process of getting an interview. Your letter and resume are supposed to entice potential employers to want to get to know more about you. Make the right impression with a flawless letter of intent and you will be one of those who make it to the next step, the job interview. Master the art of the letter of intent for employment and your chances of finding the perfect job will sky rocket.

View sample letters of intent.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Resume Distribution: Save Time Job Searching

Job seekers everywhere are trying to find new and innovative ways to improve their job search efforts. In an economy where unemployment is rising, companies are cutting back, fewer businesses than usual are starting up and downsizing is the norm, there are more people searching for work than there has been in quite a while. Families are tightening their belts and spending less, while trying to reduce debt they accumulated when the economy was good. More and more people who depend on commission are finding that their household income has dropped significantly. Many households that had a stay at home parent are now faced with that person needing to return to the workforce in order to make ends meet. For all these reasons and more, competition in the job market is fierce.

Resume distribution is one of those relatively new services that developed along with the rise in Internet use for finding jobs. Today’s job seekers use the Internet almost exclusively in their job search efforts. There are online job boards that are updated in real time with new jobs as they become available. Professional recruiting services all have web sites and do much of their work online. Individual company websites list job openings, as do online classifieds and many other sites. For the job seeker however, visiting all the possibly pertinent sites and posting your resume can be extremely time consuming.

That’s where resume distribution services come into play. In exchange for paying a small but reasonable fee, a resume distribution service will blast your resume to multiple sites at once. They will target hundreds and possibly even thousands of recruiting firms, corporations, hospitals, large businesses and other employers. This helps to save an incredible amount of time in your job search because you reach a huge number of possible employers at once. It is an especially useful option for anyone who is looking for any job that comes along and fast. The downside is that you have no say in where your resume is sent and it may or may not end up helping you get a job.

To overcome the problems associated with widely blasting a resume, targeted resume distribution services began. While basically the same as the regular resume distribution service, the targeted one gives you the option of selecting who will receive your resume. You can narrow down the recipients according to industry, salary level, position types and more. You even have the option of specifying the companies and recruiters you truly want to have your resume. While a much more effective way of finding a job you actually want, this service is more costly than the original resume distribution service.

If you are out of a job or simply looking for a new one, put technology to work for you. Select the type of resume distribution service that fits your needs and get started. In no time your job search will be wide open and you’ll be on the fast track to being amongst the newly employed.

How to Describe Weaknesses in Job Interviews

Human resources professionals, recruiters and others who interview job applicants seem to have a fondness for that much-dreaded question about how you would describe your own weaknesses. As much as those hiring love to ask the question, almost every job seeker hates to answer it. Describe your weaknesses is a double-edged sword of a question. There is no one right answer to it. However it is definitely one of the most important questions you will face in a job interview.

Before a job interview it is critical to have a response ready for the weakness question. Failing to answer the question or giving a lame off-the-cuff answer will not cut it. Those who are hiring know that the weakness question is no secret and therefore they expect you to have a prepared response.

When describing weaknesses in a job interview, keep the following tips in mind:

- Don’t describe perfectionism as a weakness. Once thought to be the perfect answer, it is overused and is clichéd.
- All humans have weaknesses, including the person interviewing you, therefore choose to describe an actual weakness that you have and give real examples. However, be wary about which weakness you choose to divulge. Do not mention weaknesses that make you look like an absolute terrible choice as an employee. Avoid talking about mental instability or things that would make someone question your values, morals and integrity. The weakness however should be one that is work-relevant.
- Be sure to mention exactly how you are working to overcome your weakness. It shows great character that you are self-aware enough to be conscious of your weaknesses and have a plan for overcoming or compensating for them.
- Describing past weaknesses and showing how you have overcome them is always a great way to treat this question.

Remember to keep in mind the type of job you are applying for and the skills required for it. Mentioning the fact that you are non-confrontational may not be a plus for someone in a customer service type of position, but may be okay for a computer programmer. Being talkative may be a drawback for an accountant or actuary. However, it is definitely a plus for a salesperson. Choosing a weakness that is actually a strength in disguise for the job you are applying on is a very smart tactic.

Some weaknesses that are acceptable to divulge, depending on the job you are applying for and the way you present them include the following:
- Competitive
- Impatient
- Too Demanding
- Lack of Organization
- Not Detail Oriented
- Critical
- Sensitive

When dealing with the weakness question in an interview, above all be honest. It is easy to detect lies, especially for those who frequently interview potential job candidates. Have a great answer ready and answer the question with confidence. After all, we really do all have weaknesses. Being able to admit to it and show your dedication to self-improvement proves that you are great employee material. .

Get more job interview tips at, where you can also read reviews of the best resume writers.

SES Resume Writing

SES resume writing is an art form all of its own. Unlike any other application for a job, the federal government’s Senior Executive Service application practically demands that it be prepared by a seasoned professional in order to even have a chance at the job you are interested in. The top reason qualified candidates are rejected is because they do not show how they are qualified for the position in question in their resume. In fact, many people try to do it on their own and after multiple attempts without an interview for jobs they are qualified for; they turn to professional SES resume writers.

For anyone who wishes to be considered for an SES position, the SES resume and its accompanying documents are critical. In the private sector, a resume is much less important than when you are applying for a federal government Senior Executive Service position. It is literally your one chance at getting an interview. If you cannot prove on paper your skills and abilities and how they translate to you being to use them in the job you are applying on, you will simply not get an interview.

The SES application actually consists of four different parts: the SES resume, Executive Core Qualifications, Cover Letter and the Managerial and Technical Qualification Statements. Each must contain specific information, including resume buzz words and specific examples of Senior Level management skills. The resume and ECQs are multiple page documents, while the other two documents are a page or more each.

The ECQs

The federal government has established 5 Executive Core Qualifications or ECQs that are necessary skills and abilities for anyone looking for a Senior Executive position. They include:
- Leading People
- Leading Change
- Building Coalitions
- Being Results Driven
- Having Business Acumen

Correctly addressing these qualifications is a crucial part of the SES resume. You must show how each qualification is met with competence and demonstrate each with examples from your own experiences. It is imperative that you clearly show how you have demonstrated your skills and abilities in each of these, the essential qualifications for an SES position, with real-life examples. This section of the SES application is often deemed the most important one. If you do not adequately put your experience on paper in this section, your application will be rejected.

It takes a tremendous amount of time for the first time SES applicant to prepare his or her own responses to these questions, as the learning curve is steep. He also runs the risk of doing it incorrectly or inadequately and losing the opportunity of a position that may be a once in a lifetime opportunity. Using a SES resume writing service is the answer for the busy executive who is ready to transition into a position of responsibility with the federal government. For a small investment, you can avail of the services of a professional writer who will create an SES resume for you that will give you the best chance possible of advancing to the next step, the interview.

Visit KSADoctor to get more federal government job application assistance. They can assist with SES resume writing, KSA writing, and more.