Thursday, June 25, 2009

How to Describe Yourself in an Interview and Seal the Deal

There you are dressed your best and being interviewed for the job of your dreams and the dreaded question gets asked, ‘Describe yourself for me.’ This question is almost always asked by perspective employers and almost always answered with a resounding uuuuuh… Knowing how to describe yourself in an interview can mean the difference of landing your dream job or going back to the want adds.

It helps if you come to grips with the fact that this question will be asked and you prepare for it ahead of time, but be careful that you don’t some off sounding like you memorized a script the night before. When getting ready to describe yourself in an interview you should consider the following:

• Don’t tell them what they already know: Don’t start out with your name and age, they have that on the application and repeating it sort of makes you sound silly. Instead of saying where you went to school –also on the application- tell the interviewer what you got out of your schooling or who influenced you along the way. Get into any activities or hobbies you have that may not be listed on the application. This is your time to let the interviewer know everything about you that is not on the application already.

• Give your strengths AND your weaknesses:
First off all when giving your strengths, never come off too cocky. Be proud, but be careful not to toot your own horn too loudly as this can be a major turn-off to the interviewer. Besides giving what your strengths are, also mention your weaknesses, but do it in a way that makes you look good. ‘I have no patience for those that do not want to go the extra mile to help a co-worker,’ or ‘A big fault of mine is that I tend to pay too much attention to detail when it may not be needed.’ Statements such as those show the interviewer that you don’t think you are perfect, but that your faults are good ones to have.

• Be honest: This is most important of all.
If you are not being honest many prospective employers can see right through your bologna and besides, you are who you are. If the job isn’t meant to be, then that is life. Never pretend to be somebody you are not.

• Speak clearly and don’t stammer: This goes back to the whole practice thing. If you are constantly stammering or saying ‘uh’ then you give off the impression that you are searching for words to say. This gives a bad vibe off because if you don’t know who you are, then who really does?

While there are no magic words to speak that will guarantee you a job, you should be prepared to adequately describe yourself at an interview. Again, you know the question is coming, so you may as well prepare for it. A good trick is to stand in front of the mirror and interview yourself. Ask yourself the question and answer the question. Would you hire yourself? If the answer is no, then chances are neither will the prospective employer, so keep practicing until the answer is yes.

Learn more interview tips at JobGoRound, the career advice and resume service website.
In the online world there are two types of web directories that you can submit your website to, free web directories and paid web directories. Now you may be wondering why you would pay for something when there is a free alternative available. While free is indeed a good thing in life, when it comes to the web directories you submit to there are several reasons why paid web directories are better than the freebies.

Submitting your website to web directories is one of the most effective ways to get your online presence known by way of increasing your page rank or PR. Think of it as advertising. As with any business, the more your name is out, the more your business gets visited and thus the more you sell. The same holds true in the online world as well. The more your website is seen, the more traffic you get to your website, and the more sales you achieve. Once your PR is elevated, your website is then shown ahead of the rest on the search engines and this can lead to more clicks and more cash.

Just as with advertising a brick-and-mortar business, there is a certain amount you can do for free, but usually to effectively advertise you must put out some money. The same principle is true with web directories. To get the best you will have to pay a few bucks to do so. How much? It all depends as there are hundreds to thousands of web directories that you can submit your website too. The prices can range from $3 per year all the way to $199 per year depending on the web directory. Obviously a paid web directory with the name of Yahoo will command a much higher price than that of ABC web directory and rightfully so. The more traffic that visits a web directory, the more you can expect to pay to get a piece of that traffic to your website.

While there are many benefits to using a paid web directory over a free one, here are just a few:
• Visibility: Many free web directories sport a whopping three to five visitors per day, hardly enough to warrant your trouble, but a paid web directory can have thousands of visitors per day thus increasing your chances of getting hits and thereby increasing your visibility.

• Less SPAM: How do you spell online death? S-P-A-M. Many free web directories do not monitor their sites very well and as a result there is a ton of SPAM sites that are posted. If you are deemed a SPAMMER by association you can actually get penalized by the search engines or even worse, disallowed all together. Paid wed directories will monitor their sites far better and rid them of these SPAM sites keeping everything nice and tidy and penalty free.

• Higher PR: If a web directory is a paid web directory, that is there only job and so they will be very concerned about their PR. This is extremely good for you as the higher their page rank is the more they will be seen on the search engines and again, this increases your chances of being found. Many free web directories are simply lost in the shuffle and are therefore rarely hit.

If you have poured your heart and soul into the creation of your website, you owe it to yourself to advertise the right way. If you were advertising a regular business, you would go for the Real Yellow Pages over some free news flier wouldn’t you? Of course you would. Even though you have to pay for the advertising, you know that the chances of people finding you is much greater in the Yellow Pages than with the free flier and that is what will lead to a successful business with plenty of sales. Online is no different, a paid web directory will beat out a free web directory any day of the week. That is not to say that all free web directories are bad, but you must be wary of the ones you do use. Remember, in business, time is money, so spend both your money and your time wisely.

Consider submitting your site to high quality web directories like RankDir or Best of the Web. You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Is Resume Distribution Service Worth the Cost?

Remember the days of printing out your resume and cover letter on high quality paper and actually mailing it to a potential employer? These days almost all job applications are done online. The process of manually submitting your employment history on several different websites can be very tedious and time consuming. With that in mind, resume distribution services have emerged.

Basically, with a resume distribution service you pay a fee to have your resume submitted to hundreds of recruiters and job boards. These companies already have a network of recruiters and hiring managers, so you don’t waste your time figuring out whom to send your information to.

Many wonder if the cost of these services is worth it. With tight budgets these days, corners are being cut everywhere, but a resume distribution service may be a worthy expense. You know the expression “time is money”? If you haven’t performed a job search recently, you may be in for a surprise when you realize the hours spent looking for jobs online. Not only is a significant amount of time spent searching for websites, recruiters, and manager to send your resume to, but manually entering your data is exhausting.

Did you know about 75% of all jobs are filled without ever being advertised online? That means even if you spend hours online applying for jobs, you are not even considered for a majority of available positions. If you just post your resume on the big job boards you’ll be lost in the sea of the other 40 million resumes on those sites. This is where the big advantage of resume distribution services lie.

When you post your resume on job boards it’s up to the recruiter to search through the hundreds, or even thousands, of resumes. When you utilize a resume distribution service your resume is directly delivered to a network of hiring professionals in your area of expertise. Some of the companies even provide you with a “who’s who” list of recruiters, so that you can even contact them directly. This gives you a great advantage when searching for a new job. This method is targeted, proactive approach which will increase your chances of landing a new job.

In today’s tough job market you need every advantage you can get. While $50 spent on resume distribution may seem like a lot – think of the additional time it would take you to apply to hundreds of jobs. You could have your resume marketed to hundreds of potential employers and recruiters in just one day! There are probably hundreds of resume distribution services on the internet, but the ones with the highest reputation for quality service have been reviewed and ranked by The reviewers chose these companies for listing due to their number of years in business, their satisfaction guarantees, and the overall reputation of the service. Compare the prices, features, and customer ratings of the top online resume distribution services at

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

How Much Should a Resume Service Cost?

When considering the cost of a resume service, consider first what you have gone through to get where you are. Assuming you have a college degree, then you have spent tens of thousands of dollars on your education so why would you skimp now. Though you may be extremely good at what you do, you may not be able to adequately write a resume that expresses your strengths in a way that employers want to see them. This is nothing to be ashamed of as few can put in words what a professional resume service can.

Knowing how much a resume service should cost is really a matter of what you are expecting from that resume service. Resume services can range from very little money to huge amounts and each resume service will offer a variety of services for you to choose from. While price is important, you should not go with the cheapest resume service you can find as they will undoubtedly do a sub-par job and thus cost you potential interviews. Here is a look at what should be considered when contemplating the cost of a resume service:

• Capabilities: A good resume service should not only be able to write you an amazing resume, but it should also provide you with a cover letter and personal statements. Make sure that the resume service you decide to go with has all of these things online and plenty of samples for you to look at before you give them any money.

• Personal Touches: With any resume service you are paying for, you should have direct access to the person who is actually writing your resume for you both by telephone and by e-mail. It is after all your resume and having direct contact with an actual person allows you to give the most amount of feedback possible to ensure your resume comes out the best it can.

• Ease of use: make sure that the resume service you go with has easy to use interactive worksheets for you to fill out about yourself. If you go with a resume service that has a jumbled and confusing worksheet, then chances are that is exactly how your resume will turn out.

Now that you know what to look for, exactly how much should your resume service cost you? The prices for resume service will of course vary from company to company and it is a very competitive business. This is to your advantage. There are some resume services that have prices starting at just over $100 and there are others that will charge you up to $700. When it comes down to your choice, you have to make sure that all your concerns are addressed and that you will be happy with the services provided by the resume service company. Once you are comfortable with what is offered, find some more resume service companies with the same services being offered and then do your comparative shopping. Whatever you do, never go with the cheapest resume service you can find that offers you the world, because if it looks too good to be true, that is probably because it is.

Whether you are fresh out of college or just looking for a new beginning, your resume is the tool that will market you to all your potential future employers. You owe it to yourself to do your homework and ensure that if you cannot write your resume adequately that you seek the help of a resume service and find one that fits both your needs and your cost budget as well. With the proper resume service in your corner, you will land more interviews and ultimately your dream job.

Compare resume service reviews and prices at

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Why Use an Online Backup Service

The story is always the same: you know you should back up your computer, but you put it off because it’s a hassle. Where are those discs? Which ones have I used before? What software do I use to do the back up? Where did I even put the disc from my last backup?

It’s estimated that one in every ten hard drives fail each year. Most people know that viruses can wipe out your hard drive, but there’s also the possibility of theft or damage. If you do have current backups of your data – where is that disc? It’s often stored in the same location as your computer, so if a natural disaster were to strike, you are out of luck. If you try to retrieve data from your hard drive it can come with a hefty price - thousands of dollars, and sometimes that data is gone forever. Gone are all your documents, pictures, and music.

Online backup services make backing up your computer simple and effortless. These services are highly recommended by the same professionals that you would pay thousands of dollars to retrieve lost data. With online backup services a copy of your data is stored in a secure, remote location. This means in the event of a disaster, say your house burns down, your data is still safe and secure.

With online backup services, your files, music, and pictures will be automatically backed up at intervals that you choose. Some services even automatically back up any new files that are created or added to your computer. You never have to think about backing up your computer again. No equipment, software, or storage devices are needed. Plus, you can access or add more files to your account from any computer. If you are on vacation and want to backup pictures to free up space on your camera’s memory card – you can do that from any computer!

There are several companies offering online backup services. One of the most widely known services is Mozy – which offers 2GB of storage free. Other companies offer very affordable rates (typically about $5 a month) for online storage. Some companies just have a flat fee for unlimited storage.

All companies will securely store your data in a secure location, but there are differences among the companies. Good services won’t noticeably slow down your PC – at least after the initial upload. You can also look for companies that encrypt your data before, during, and after it’s been sent to industrial strength servers.

One of the key things is the ease of use in the set up, selection of what files and folders you want backed up, and most importantly – getting your files back if you lose them. Most companies offer a free trial period. Use that time to evaluate the ease of the service and go through the process of retrieving data to see what it’s like.

You can compare various remote online backup services and read customer reviews at

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

How to Get a Cleanroom Job

In a struggling economy and uncertain employment environment, it can be difficult to know how to get a cleanroom job. However, understanding exactly what is involved in such a position is a great way to familiarize yourself with the work and skills required to do the cleanroom job well.

Known as an area or room designed to be completely clean and free from any dirt, bacteria and germs, a cleanroom is often used in facilities where special items are manufactured in a way that does not allow for any contamination. From computer manufacturers to biomedical companies to photographic industries, cleanrooms are required to keep the products clean and pure so they can perform as designed.

As well as being free from dirt, a cleanroom typically has certain requirements for temperature, humidity and pressure. If you are learning how to get a cleanroom job, know that cleanliness and preciseness are going to be two of your primary functions. In other words, if you are obsessed with having things in order and cleaned-up, a cleanroom job may be perfect for you.

Duties involved in cleanroom jobs vary greatly from position to position, depending on the industry. For example, assembly factories that have cleanroom jobs may require only a college degree and the ability to work 12-hour shifts, using technology to assemble small parts to electronics. Other cleanroom positions may involve manning equipment, managing data or inspecting the products being manufactured.

Many cleanroom jobs require hours of standing and working with your hands, therefore, it is important that someone considering a cleanroom job has the health and physical ability to complete such tasks.

Employers hiring for cleanroom jobs are looking for organized people who can handle work involving great detail. While the ability to work as part of a team is important, when considering how to get a cleanroom job you will want to determine if you can also work without a lot of hands-on supervision. The ability to be a team-player as well as an independent worker shows flexibility, which is a valuable characteristic in any position.

Once you have experience in a cleanroom job, it is likely you can be considered for promotions and even supervisor positions. You will know and understand the cleanroom environment well and be able to direct and manage employees in making sure all processes and environments are on track, which make you a great candidate for cleanroom supervisor.

Because cleanroom jobs vary so greatly from company to company, you will want to carefully research the specific cleanroom job in which you are interested to tailor your resume and cover letter so that you appear professional and qualified for the job. Learn as much as you can about the duties and tasks of the position you are seeking. That way, when you are asked in for an interview, you can impress the employer with your knowledge of the position and the cleanroom environment.

When it comes to how to get a cleanroom job, you can never research enough. Being prepared to compose an impressive cover letter and resume and then prepared to communicate your knowledge and interest to the employer will set you apart from the other candidates and likely compel the employer to give you the job.

Search for cleanroom jobs in the aerospace, biotech, semiconductor, and other industries.

What to Look for in a Resume Distribution Service

Resume distribution services e-mail your resume to prospective employers and certain job boards thus getting your name out fast and efficiently. While they have only recently gained popularity in the last few years, they are extremely popular now due to their convenience. Of course, you will have to pay a fee to have this service done, but it will save you the time and headache of doing it yourself and allow you to focus on other issues you have going on in your life.

As there are a growing number of resume distribution services available it is important to know what to look for when you choose one. There are a number of differences with certain resume distribution services so great care should be taken when deciding which one is right for you. Some of the factors that should be considered are:

Reputation: Don’t go with the first resume distribution service you find. There are many to choose from and most have reviews from their clients on their websites. Simply do a search on Google or Yahoo search for resume distribution services and take the time to investigate a few of them.

Compatibility: A lot of resume distribution centers will distribute your resume for you but they will blast it out to anyone and everyone. Why would you want your resume going to a dog grooming company if you are seeking a job in sales? Choose a resume distribution center that only sends your resume to companies that are compatible to what you are looking for.

Contract: Never sign on with a resume distribution service that makes you sign a long-term contract. There are many that will let you pay as you go and these are ideal so you can be sure you are happy with their services the first time before you use them again.

Price: While this isn’t the most important factor, it is important. If several different resume distribution services fit all the above criteria, then obviously it is in your best interest to go with the one that is the best bargain price wise.

Make sure that have your resume distribution service continue to keep working for you even if you get a job. If your resume is always out, then you will always have the chance of getting an even better job further down the road and if you have a resume distribution service working for you, you won’t even have to worry about it.

Getting a job is tough work. Why go through the hassle of going online or looking in the paper, then uploading your resume or faxing it to prospective employers? With the advent of the resume distribution service it is now easier than ever before to get your name and your skills out to latterly hundreds, if not thousands of potential employers. Once you find a reliable and affordable resume distribution service you can stop worrying about getting your resume out and focus on getting your suit out and getting ready for the interviews that are sure to follow.

Compare the best resume distribution services.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Do KSA’s Really Matter?

It depends if you want the job or not! In today’s economic environment, you cannot afford to be dispassionate about the first and last impression you make with a prospective client, even the government.

Think of your resume and the accompanying supplemental document, often referenced as a KSA form, as your first introduction to a recruiter that serves as a formal gatekeeper in either allowing or restricting you to interview for a job you may want within the Federal Government. You want to make it as easy possible for that person to say “Yes!”

The KSA document (Knowledge, Skills and Abilities) is one of the most important parts of the Federal job application process. To understand the process, it is important to understand a bit of its history. The Federal Government, like any mammoth organization and or large system, had a sporadic process to review, select and interview potential candidates to fill posted job vacancies. The government wanting to improve the efficiency and turn-around time of employees responsible for filling job vacancies, designed and implemented a streamlined equitable applicant review process that permitted teams to quickly and effectively; select, compare, measure, and rank qualified candidates competing for the same position.

Considerations included comparison of applicants against the unique requirements of the posted job, applicant competencies, background, experience, expertise, and education. The KSA process was born.

Knowledge refers to the applicant’s depth of information about a particular job. It may encompass formal training, education, on-the-job experience, and depth of expertise associated for a particular role.
Skills relate to a unique set of competencies that permit an individual the ability to visually demonstrate specific actions that produce a particular product, service, and or outcome.
Abilities relates to a bundle of skills, knowledge, competencies and behaviors, that when applied, provide the individual the capability to meet job requirements in its entirety.

Seven Hints to Creating a KSA that Produces a Wow!

First, think of the KSA document as if it were an informal interview on paper.

1. Assure that you make a positive first impression by incorporating correct spelling, grammar, sentence structure in well thought out sentences that are in direct response to specific questions asked on the form. Your response should be thorough, but concise. The information should be to the point, but with enough meaningful data to create a “wow”.

2. In answering questions, begin writing your sentences by using action words such as designed, implemented, created, addressed, assessed, etc. to demonstrate taking personal responsibility for producing a specific action and or outcome related to the question asked.

3. Link specific favorable outcomes to as many statements as possible to demonstrate actual value-add impact. Notice the difference between the two examples below:
• Designed engineering requirements for the F-14 engine.
• Designed engineering requirements for the F-14 engine, resulting in 25% fuel efficiency and $1.5 million savings in energy costs.

4. In many Federal job postings, you will find qualification specifications listed as critical and others listed as desirable. Focus on providing data that directly addresses the critical qualifications first and the desirable attributes second.

5. The posting may actually highlight the designated percentage of importance for each qualification listed. Make sure to prioritize and target the designated qualifications with your statements. In other words, if the posting specifies 6-Sigma expertise as being 60%, engineering 25% and information technology 15%, don’t focus largely on information technology.

6. Don’t submit yet! Whether or not the KSA is submitted via on-line or hard copy, take a break for at least thirty minutes. Walk away from the form. Have a cup of coffee or tea. Watch a cartoon. Whatever you need to do to get your mind off the KSA section. Note: If the form is to be completed and submitted on-line, proactively assure there is no time-out period in which the server will automatically disconnect and or you have a chance of losing data. Print a sample copy of possible.

7. After thirty minutes, return and review the form. You will likely find weak points, spelling errors; sentences that you thought made sense and now wonder what you were thinking! Make the needed changes and follow directions to submit. Be sure to make an extra copy to review prior to your interview!

Tip: Begin with a KSA sample. This will make writing your own KSA responses faster, easier, and more professional.

Top Career Paths For Military Personnel

Today’s military is not only a powerful organization protecting the world and the country, it is a great way to obtain an impressive education as well as on the job experience. This experience is very important when the soldier leaves the service and enters the private sector because it gives them a leg up on the competition.
There are many career paths a soldier can choose in this modern army: medical, computers, communications, mechanic, pilot, administration, journalist and so many more. Here are a few examples of how the combination of military education and real hands-on experience translates into the private sector career path.

Medic to Doctor
One of the most prized people on the battlefield is the Medic. This person is responsible for maintaining the health, and sometimes the life of every soldier in their unit. This experience, once they leave the military, sets them up for a career in medicine whether it as a doctor, nurse, technician or surgeon they will have the knowledge and the experience to be ready for anything coming their way.

The modern army is using computers more and more all the time and the complexity of the systems used require some in-depth training for those military personnel who handle the cyber areas of the military. This skill and experience translates into dozens and dozens of possible career possibilities in the private sector. Soldiers who come of the military with heavy computer experience will find that they will be seriously in demand in many areas of business.

Our military has taken communications to levels previously unheard of, as units are able to communicate with each other through radio, the Internet and via satellite. Taking this communication experience and know how out of the military and into the real world opens doors in communication and networking companies. These companies are constantly expanding and looking for new and strongly skilled employees and the military produces just those people.

Because computers are all over the world and involved in everything there are people who will always try to disrupt them and take control for nefarious reasons. This is something the military takes very seriously and they have trained cyber soldiers who specialize in network security and protection. Private sector companies, value their data and security as much as anyone else, if not more so, and they are always looking for people with better skills than the hackers they need to defend themselves from.

The military takes normal men and women and turns them into highly trained and motivated soldiers as well as strongly skilled members of a workforce. The skills learned during military service are skills that can carry a person from civilian to soldier and back to a civilian with needed and demanded skills. These skills can help the soldier land a career and be well on their way to a life of accomplishment. The military is not only about creating soldiers, it’s about life after the military and your career opportunities when you cycle back to the world.

Get expert assistance writing your military transition resume. View sample KSA statements at

Monday, June 8, 2009

Tips on Writing A Nursing Resume

In today’s current economy there a very few recession proof jobs and if you can find one, you are in a good spot. The job market is in flux and there are many people vying for those jobs that will make them feel secure. Nursing is one career that has a secure hold in the job market and will most likely never be in danger.

The problem is, many people are going after these jobs for that reason and hoping to secure a future where they won’t have to worry about lay-offs. The best way to get a nursing job is to have a good nursing resume to make you stand out from all of the rest of the applicants going for the same positions.

The competition is fierce, and having a resume that will not only stand out but shows how valuable you are to the organization you are applying to will help you get the job. In order for this to become a reality, you need to follow a few tips and guidelines to ensure your place amongst the many others.

The first step is to look into the company you are applying to see what specific areas they are looking for. If you find that they are looking for pediatric nurses with expertise in certain areas, then tailor your resume to that field to be more appealing to the interviewer.

If you are just sending out a general resume, keep in mind the following points:


The first thing a potential employer wants to see is your educational background. This includes the name of the school at which you studied as well as what degree(s) you earned. You will also want to list any academic honors, your GPA and any awards or scholarships you were awarded.

Nurses will need to provide their current license information including the date it was issued and the state where it was obtained. This is perhaps the most important part of your entire resume. You will be asked for a copy of your actual license when being interviewed or offered the job so there is no need to post a license number on your resume.

The best way to catch the eye of a potential employer is to list your skills in a bulleted style. This should include any areas of expertise and any skills you have in certain areas. Be sure to list the years of experience you have with each particular skill.
If you are fresh out of nursing school, this area should list any clinical rotations or mentorship’s you took part in.

If you have prior nursing experience, then your resume should list, in detail, your previous job as well as any accolades you may have received. Listing the type of facilities you worked for is also a good idea when applying to a similar facility or to a completely different type of facility to show your experience.

It is also important to list any extra curricular activities you were a part of in school as well as in the workplace. This can include any committees, programs, or special educational classes you took part in. The more activities you can list, the better chance you have in impressing the interviewer with your skill and dedication.

Tip: Be sure to read resume service reviews before choosing a resume writing service.