Sunday, November 29, 2009

How to Annoy Hiring Managers

In today’s job market it is more important than ever to know the types of things that will annoy hiring managers so that you can avoid them at all costs. It’s hard enough to get your foot in the door at a company that you may be interested in let alone to give the kind of interview that sweeps the hiring manager off of their feet and the last thing you want to do is express a certain body language or mannerism that will annoy the heck out a hiring manager and have them counting the seconds down until you leave.

As far as what you need to say and how you need to say it, that is something you will have to perfect on your own, but if you want to annoy a hiring manager and almost ensure that you will not get the job here is what to do:

• Show up late: If you can’t be on time to an interview do you really think that the hiring manager is going to believe that you are going to show up on time for work? Always show up a few minutes early for an interview unless you want to get off on the immediate wrong foot with the hiring manager.
• Chew gum: If you really want to get on someone’s nerves march right into the interview and chew your gum like a cow chews on its cud. Gum can be a great idea on the way to the interview to keep your breath fresh, but get rid of it out before you even walk in the door to the place you are applying. No one wants to hear the sound of gum smacking while they are trying to conduct an interview.
• Check your watch frequently: If you have a habit of checking your watch frequently and you do so in an interview you will give the impression that you have some other place you would rather be. Even if you do have some place better to be, you certainly don’t want to convey that in the interview. If you are a watch checker then it is best to leave that watch at home.
• Rest your chin on your hands: This says to the hiring manager, ‘Hey this is really boring and I’d rather be anywhere else other than here listening to you.’ If this is what you want to convey then go for it but if you do the hiring manager is likely to grant your wish and send you packing very early.
• Slouch in your chair: A sure way to tick off a hiring manager is to slouch down on your chair and get all cozy. Remember, you are there trying to get a job not to take a nap. Sit up straight and be attentive.

The bottom line is to get a leg up on all the applicants that will be interviewed you have to come off as special. Avoid annoying the hiring manager and act your best and success is sure to follow. Of course if annoying a hiring manager is your ultimate goal you can always just light up a cigarette; that’ll have them seeing red.

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