Monday, July 20, 2009

What is a Letter of Intent?

A letter of intent or LOI can be used in many different circumstances and is an outline of an agreement between two or more parties before it is finalized. These letters of intent spell out all the particulars so that each company or party entering into the agreement has a better understanding of what is involved. Letters of intent are used in many different faucets of the business world and are similar to a written contract only not as binding. A letter of intent is exactly how it sounds; it is a letter that is stating an intended purpose.

While the purposes of letters of intent will vary from situation to situation here are a few examples of why a letter of intent is used:

• To come up with and provide safeguards for the interested parties in the case of a potential deal falling apart.
• To make clear all the points that may need to be covered so that each party has a better understanding of the potential transaction or merger.
• To make a declaration that two or more parties are in current negotiations such as in joint venture or even a merger.

In the business world letters of intent are often used to prove to potential investors that a potential deal or merger may take place. Without such proof, investors may not be so willing to loan out the much needed money. While letters of intent are common in the business world there are also other instances where letters of intent are used. Some of these instances include:

Schools: Many times a school will require a letter of intent when a new club or group is forming.

Expansion or downsizing: Letters of intent are sometimes used to let employees of large firms know that the company plans on either expanding or downsizing certain departments.

Athletics: When a high school senior decides on which college he or she would like to attend and receive an athletic scholarship to do so, a letter of intent is signed. Many sports even have a national signing day to keep the playing field level.

Academic: In the academic world a letter of intent is known as a Statements of Purpose and is part of the application process.
Real estate: Often times there are properties that are not listed on the MLS or with a realtor. It is at these times that a letter of intent can be used to let the owner of the house know that a potential buyer exists and thus the process of buying and selling the house may begin.

Disabled persons: When the parents of a disabled person have passed away, courts will rely on the family’s letter of intent to try to figure out what the wishes of the family are for the disabled relative.

A letter of intent is sometimes the glue that holds a potential deal together. While deals are done in the business world and other areas of life every day, usually the beginning of any deal was originally laid out in a letter of intent.

View a sample letter of intent to make it easier to write your own letter.

Monday, July 13, 2009

No More KSA Writing

Earlier this year the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) announced it was moving with much vigor to scrap the part of the government hiring process that most individuals dread; the knowledge, skills and abilities, or KSAs, questionnaire. The KSAs are a series of questions that are answered in essay form by the applicant and then graded by reviewers. Obviously, the higher the grade the better your shot at landing the Federal job you are applying for.

The OPM is making the move to have individuals that are seeking Federal employment be hired in much the same way they would in the private sector, which is primarily resume based. The main reason for this is that the OPM feels that the long and drawn out KSAs are actually discouraging some to apply for Federal work. This discouragement could lead to the best possible candidate for a job to never be seen in the first place and thus never hired. While this announcement is sure to have many Federal job applicants jumping for joy, the announcement gives many mixed feeling and there are pros and cons to what this will mean both now and once it goes into effect.

The phase out of the KSAs is hoped to be completed within a one-year time frame, but the efforts have only recently begun. For now at least, the KSAs do remain in effect. This is actually good news for those that are applying for a Federal job and have the KSAs down to a science. For the many that hate the process, if you want to avoid them you will just have to be patient.

The drawback to making the announcement of the phasing out of the KSAs is that now some potential applicants may do just that and exercise their patience and wait for the hiring process to be more streamlined. Federal jobs that once had several hundred applicants at a time may now be whittled down to a smaller percentage. Again, great news if you are one of those individuals that can master the KSAs as your chances of getting that Federal position are much higher if there are less applicants. But that will all change once the KSAs have been totally phased out.

Once the KSAs are gone for good, you can bet that the number of applicants for Federal Jobs will increase in a big way. It is much easier to apply for a job by simply submitting a resume than it is to answer KSAs for hours. This influx of applicant will surely have the Human Resources departments working overtime to sift through the numerous resumes. While this process might ensure that the best person is hired for the federal job, this also means that the wait time will probably increase. Where the KSA process may have produced a candidate in a few weeks, the new process could take far longer. The increased number of applicant will also decrease your chances of getting a Federal job by percentages alone.

Perhaps though the biggest effect that the federal job seeker will experience is the shift in what is needed to land that Federal job. Now applicants for Federal work will have to make sure that their resumes are top notch and will not be able to rely on the KSAs. While many may like this idea, others may not. Some individuals are better at writing in essay form than writing a resume and vice-versa. Whatever the case may be, once the KSA phase out is complete everyone will have to have a strong and polished federal resume to increase the chances of landing Federal work.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

How to Find Affordable Resume Services

Finding resume services can be a tricky job, but finding affordable resume services can sometimes be darn near impossible. With so many seemingly affordable resume services to choose from it is important to know where to look and what to look for.

Ever since the advent of the Internet it has not ever been a problem to find pretty much whatever it is you are looking for online. Affordable resume services are no different, but because it is so easy to find results there are many so called affordable resume services that need to be weeded out before you can choose which affordable resume service you want to go with.

To begin your journey, go online and type in ‘affordable resume services’ into your trusty Google or Yahoo search bar. As expected you will get thousands of results and here is where you have to do some ‘shopping.’ Click on some of the different services and compare the following two factors:

1. Services offered:
Before you look at anything else you must make sure that the affordable resume service you are looking at can achieve what you need them to. You should take a good amount of time here and really compare closely exactly what services you will receive when signing up. This will of course vary from service to service and obviously the more services you get the better. If you find several affordable resume services, which you more than likely will, all offering you the same benefits, then it is time to look at the next factor.

2. Price: You are after all looking for ‘affordable’ resume services. Use caution here though as the last thing you want to do is sign up with an affordable resume service just because they are the cheapest. It is also important to avoid the ones that claim to be free. Nothing in life is free and resume services that advertise as free are simply trying to rope you in and will whack you with charges later on. When viewing the prices, make sure that the price you are looking at is an all-inclusive price. Many affordable resume services are only affordable at the base price and if you want your resume to stand out, it will cost you. Make sure up front that you not only get a price that you can live with, but one that will not inflate as the process goes on. This can only be accomplished by actually dialing a number and speaking with an actual person. If an affordable resume service doesn’t offer a phone number, then chances are you won’t get very personable service and you should just look elsewhere.

While it may be a bit time consuming, finding affordable resume services that will help you accomplish your goals is not as hard as you might think. Remember, while it is nice to save a buck or two, price is second on the list for a reason. There is no point in getting affordable resume services if those services are going to ultimately prove ineffective. Taking your time and doing your homework can ultimately help you land the job you deserve.

Read resume service reviews to help you choose a resume writing service.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Four Questions to Ask a Resume Writer

Writing a resume is of utmost importance if you wish to secure interviews and eventually land a great paying job. Many times when an individual doesn’t feel comfortable writing his or her own resume they hire a resume writer. A resume writer is someone who should know how to layout your specific resume and present it in the way that employers want to see it.

There are many resume writing services available to choose from and whichever companies you are considering, there are four questions you should ask each one of them. These questions are:

1. What is the cost? A good resume writing service is one that not only takes the information you provide them, but also does much of its own research as well. Because the process is by no means easy, many resume services typically charge between $200 and $500 which will depend on your career level and other factors. If you find a resume service that is significantly below this then a red flag should start waving in your mind. Sure it is great to save a buck to two, but when it comes to your resume that savings could cost you a job.

2. Are they certified?
There are several different types of certified resume writers. To be certified an individual must pass an examination and submit samples of work that are scrutinized by a good number of people. If a company you are considering is claiming to be certified and you are not sure, then you can check one of the following company’s website for confirmation:

• Career Maters Institute or CMI
• Career Directors International or CDI
• National Resume Writers Association or NRWA
• Professional Association of Resume Writers and Career Coaches or PARW/CC

3. How many years experience do they have? If the resume writer you are considering does not have at least two years experience writing resumes, then you should find one that does, there are plenty out there.

4. Are they experienced in writing resumes for your field? This question is probably the most overlooked. Even if a resume writer has ten years experience in writing resumes, if they never wrote a resume that pertained to your field of work, then you are barking up the wrong tree. Make sure your resume writer not only has experience, but experience in your field as well.

It is also a good idea to speak with a few different writers before you make your decision. This will allow you to do some price comparison and you can also gauge your level of comfort, which is of utmost importance.

Remember, a resume is what a potential employer will see first. If the resume is not of good quality and does not stand out from the rest, then chances are it will end up in the trash and you will not get a call for an interview. Finding the right resume writer for you is not as hard as you think, you just need to make sure you ask them all the right questions.

Compare the top online resume writer reviews.

Where to Find Sample Resume Objectives

A resume objective is an option that some individuals choose to do when applying for a job. A resume objective is exactly what it sounds like; you are putting down in writing your objective. Think of it as your chance to tell a potential employer your career plans and why you would be a perfect fit for their company. This is often times put on the cover letter of the resume, but many prefer to have it in the body of the resume instead. A resume objective is often placed before all else on the resume and is sometimes nothing more than one paragraph.

Writing a resume objective is what can make your resume stand out from the rest so it is important that your resume objective be custom tailored to fit the job you are applying for. That one paragraph can either leave the potential employer wanting to read more, or have him or her ‘filing’ your resume in the trash can. If this is new to you, fear not, there are plenty of places online that can provide you with sample resume objectives, you just have to know where to look.

If you do a Google or Yahoo search for ‘sample resume objectives’ up will pop thousands of results. While there a great number of sites that have sample resume objectives for you, there are three that are particularly helpful:

1. This site is filled with all kinds of helpful and free tips and tricks when it comes to dressing up your resume. Once on the site, do a site search for resume objective and you will be re-directed to a page that not only explains the resume objective purpose, but also gives you a step by step account of what to write in one.

2. Another free website packed full of ways to spruce up you resume. When seeking out the resume objective samples, simply type in resume objective in the ‘find’ button and you will be presented with a number of resources all dedicated to helping you write a great resume objective.

3. Again a simple search within the site for resume objective will yield you several resources and examples that will help guide you through the process of writing a resume objective.

There are also a number of websites that charge for templates of resume objectives, but when there is so much quality information that is available for free, why pay anything if you don’t have too?

Ensuring that your resume objective is spelled out clearly and more importantly effectively is what can lock you into your dream job. Knowing this, it is extremely important for you to take the time and do a little research as to what exactly should and shouldn’t go into your resume objective and knowing where to find some of these sample resume objectives is a great start.

Review the top resume writing services.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Proper KSA Format

When you attempt to get a Federal job there is an important part of the application process that must be performed properly. This is known as the Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities or KSA. The KSA is what helps determine who is the most qualified candidate for a specific vacancy for a Federal job and the required KSAs are listed on each Federal job opening. KSA answers must be given in the proper KSA Format in order to ensure the best possible score and increase your chances of landing that Federal job you are after.

As with many different application processes there is actually a layout that should be followed to ensure the proper KSA response is given. Unless otherwise stated on the application, all answers should be one page or less and need to contain all of the following information:

1. The job title.
2. The announcement number.
3. Applicant name.
4. Of course the KSA number.

Along with being grammatically correct, it is imperative that the proper KSA response be written in a narrative, first person tone. The answers should sound personal and as if they are coming from your own voice.
KSA’s will generally have you answer three to ten questions and you will need to show in detail that you have the requirements needed to fit the job vacancy. Many factors you should use include:

Experience: This can be experience gained from previous employment.
Training: Any special courses you may have taken that qualify you for a particular position.
Education: Make sure your education needs at least meet the expectations listed.
Volunteer work: List any and all volunteer work you have done that may apply to the position you are after.
Awards: If you have been awarded any type of merit that will make you look more qualified for the position, be sure to list it.

Just make sure that you are using relevant factors that either meet or exceed the requirements listed in the Federal job posting.
Making sure that your KSA responses are in the proper format can be somewhat challenging. It is important to remember that your KSA answers will be scored and if you re going head to head with other equally qualified candidates that these scores can make or break you.

There are many resources available online to help ensure that your KSA format is properly done. While you can find certain information for free, there are also a number of well known companies that will prepare your KSA responses for you and ensure that the format is properly done. If you find you are having trouble in preparing your KSA response properly, it may be worth looking into paying a nominal fee for help. By doing so you not only ensure that the response is proper but the format is as well. The last thing you want to have happen is spending all day on your KSA responses, only to find you submitted them in the wrong format and that they didn’t even get reviewed.

Get additional help with KSA writing at, where you can also download sample KSA answers.